American Friends Service Committee Investment Screen –2008-2016

In 2008, AFSC’s Board approved an affirmative investment screen specific to Israel-Palestine…This is a policy designed to prohibit the investment of AFSC resources in companies that benefit from the Israeli military occupation of the West Bank…or that are involved in or facilitate Israeli or Palestinian acts of violence.

In 2009, Jewish Voice for Peace launched the “We Divest” campaign, demanding TIAA-CREF stop investing in corporations that enable the destruction of Palestinian homes and orchards, the expansion of Israeli settlements and infrastructure, checkpoint surveillance of Palestinian communities, and provide weapons used against civilians.

In 2010, the AFSC Board of Directors officially endorsed Jewish Voice for Peace’s efforts to call on TIAA-CREF to divest, and joined the national effort of people of conscience…by supporting Palestinians and Israelis who are engaged in nonviolent resistance to the occupation. Over 20,000 people have now signed the petition to TIAA-CREF on the web:

In 2015, AFSC adopted a digital screen to apply to an entire investment portfolio to help identify companies complicit in the occupation.